Saturday, October 10, 2009


13Nyirripi Turnoff

We are making this side trip to visit our friends Archie & Di who are working at an Aboriginal Community called Nyirripi 160Kl  West of Yuendumu in the Tanami Desert.




25Di's Office

This is the Shire Office where Di is the Manager for the Community.




22 Archie's Workshop

And Archie is in charge of Vehicle Maintenance and Roads. This is his workshop.




Gypsy is a domesticated camel who lines up for a drink from the water hose and loves vegetable scraps.  She also gets in the yards and eats all the plants!!


26Nirripi Housing

There are about 300  Aboriginal people in the Community which along with the Shire Office and workshop has a clinic, general store, police station, school and  recreational  hall.


21Mail Plane

The mail arrives by plane each Wednesday. Nyirripi boasts a bitumen-sealed airstrip which is also used for emergency evacuations.




This is Col and Archie relaxing while waiting for the plane to arrive.





We visited an outstation which is being made ready for the Traditional Owners to occupy.




17Native Well

Even though the area is desert, there are natural wells where water can be found.







And the scenery is unbelievable – the country has not been grazed – it’s like it would have been 200 years ago.



But still the best view was as we were leaving and heading back to Alice Springs.

Friday, October 9, 2009


1Scout repair

We have had a few problems with the Scout and the mechanic was not at all helpful so Col replaced the gear box at the caravan park.



2Bye Katherine

Bye Katherine! The intersection of the Bypass and the Stuart Highway on our way out of town. We were there for 5 weeks and 1 day in all.


3 Daly Waters Pub

We cruised quickly through Mataranka and Larrimah this time and on to the oldest Pub in the Northern Territory at Daly Waters.



4Daly Waters Pub

Inside the pub  is an interior decorators delight. You stop here just to say “I had a beer at Daly Waters” and a barra burger.



5Devile Marbles

On to the Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve – finely balanced piles of huge boulders – near Tennant Creek.



6Wauchope Hotel

Everywhere you go there is bound to be an International truck. These relics are being admired by a tourist riding a bicycle outside the Wauchope Hotel.


7Overand Telegraph

The Overland Telegraph  Station at Barrow Creek is a well kept example from pioneering days.





There are small settlements (pubs and roadhouses) all along the Stuart Highway and between these are miles and miles of ‘nothing’



9Tropic of Capricorn

Just north of Alice Springs, the Tropic of Capricorn is located.


11Highest Point

And a little further South is a monument depicting the highest point on the highway connecting Adelaide in the South and Darwin in the North



12Alice Springs

And at last – Alice Springs.